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Our first litter arrived November 2016. Aurora, Archie, Floki and Sonya. Each of them so beautiful and loving I was heart broken to see them go. However, We stay in touch with all 4 of the puppies from this litter and love watching them grow! 

We kept the Game of Thrones theme when selecting kennel names for each puppy:

Direwolves Beyond the Wall: Archie

Direwolves Wind of Winter: Sonya

Direwolves Kissed by Fire: Aurora

Direwolves Dance of Dragons: Floki

Gallery of Litter A

At the end of March 2018 Skyler had her last litter. We had Everest and our very own Drogon from this litter. Both boys are very loving, calm and relaxed. They both enjoy a good snuggle.... I think I cuddled them both too much as babies.. ooops....


Again we tried to keep to the Game of Thrones theme for names:


Direwolves of the Mountain: Everest

Direwolves Dragon Fire: Drogon

Gallery of Litter B
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